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Relentless Regulation Requires a Strategic Response

Watch Broadridge's Dean Bruyns, Senior Director of Product Management discuss why financial services firms are better off with a strategic rather than a tactical approach when dealing with the relentless flow of global regulation.

In this video, Dean Bruyns, Senior Director of Product Management, speaks with FTF News about how our strategic regulatory reporting solution led us to be 2020 winner of the Best RegTech Solution honor, a key competitive category of the FTF News Technology Innovation Awards, and how we are enabling clients to meet the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) requirements. Bruyns also provides quick insights on areas such as:

  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on firms and their reporting strategies.
  • What Broadridge is doing for securities financing transactions, now part of its trade and transaction reporting offerings.
  • The impacts of the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) across the globe and on the buy side.
  • And the push for a global Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) for global markets.

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